However, some users report that when they try to view someone’s profile, they get the error message Unable to Load Profile Banner, Badges, and About Me. The problem with this error message is that there is no one cause for it. For different users, there are different reasons why they see this error message when they try to view another discord member’s profile information. This is why in this article, we have researched all the possible reasons why you may see this error message and provided solutions to each of them.
What Does ‘Unable to Load Profile Banner, Badges, and About Me’ Mean
When you receive the error message Unable to Load Profile Banner, Badges, and About Me, it simply means that discord cannot display any information about the user whose profile you are trying to open. This means that at the given time, you do not have access or authorization to view the person’s profile details. As we stated earlier, there are different possible reasons why you may encounter this issue at different times. But the bottom line is that when you receive the error message, you do not have access to view the discord member’s profile information, including their Profile Banner, Badges, and About Me information. Contrary to what some users have speculated and suggested, the error message of Unable to Load Profile Banner, Badges, and About Me has nothing to do with the user’s privacy settings. There is no setting to control who can view your profile information on discord. So, when you encounter the Unable to Load Profile Banner, Badges, and About Me error, simply know that it means that you do not have access to the person’s profile information because of some factors which we will describe in the section below.
Why Does It Say ‘Unable to Load Profile Banner, Badges and About Me’?
1. You are not in any mutual servers on discord and are not friends
We stated earlier that there is no setting to control who can view a member’s profile information on discord. However, by default, if you do not share any mutual servers on discord or you are not friends on the discord platform, then you would not be able to view the person’s Profile Banner, Badges, and About Me information. What this means is that to be able to view someone’s profile information on discord, you have to either be on the same server or be friends with them on discord. You do not have to have both conditions fulfilled: you can either not be friends on discord but have a mutual server membership or be friends on discord but not have a mutual server membership Discord. Whichever condition is met will allow you to view the person’s Profile Banner, Badges, and About Me information without hassle.
Fix – Join a server they’re in or become friends on Discord
So from the explanation above, you can see that when you try to view a discord member’s profile bio and get the error message described in this article, you need first to confirm that you are either friends with them on discord or are a member of at least one server that they are also a member of. If none of these conditions are met, there is no workaround to viewing the person’s profile information. This is not a glitch or privacy setting or error; it is instead a default setting by discord to protect user privacy and make user data available only to people that are connected to them. So you can either send the person a friend request and wait for them to accept, or join a server that they are a member of to be able to view their Profile Banner, Badges, and About Me information.
2. They blocked you
Another main reason why you may be unable to view another user’s profile details and get the error message Unable to Load Profile Banner, Badges, and About Me is because the user has blocked you on discord. When a user blocks you on discord, you will be unable to view their profile information. And there is no workaround for this. The only way you can view someone’s profile information on discord after they have blocked you is to make a new account. The interesting thing is that you do not need to have had any kind of interaction with the user before they can block you on discord. The user can simply find your profile if you share the same server membership, right-click on your name and click on the block. People usually do this when they see someone that they know and do not want to interact with them or when they find that the user shares some views or characters that they do not want to associate with. One of the ways to confirm if you have indeed been blocked by the user, especially if you have had a conversation before, is to click on any of the messages and see if you can react to the message. If you cannot react to the message, you’re sure that the user has blocked you.
Fix – Move on or Contact them
If you feel that the person may have blocked you in error or may have misunderstood something you said, then you could contact them if you have an alternative way of reaching them outside of discard. Other than this, blocking you means that the person simply does not want to communicate with you, and you should respect their wishes. Blocking is hardly ever done by mistake because it requires a deliberate process to complete. For someone to block you, means that they are intentional about not wanting to communicate with you. And all you need to do is move on to other places where you maybe wanted.
3. You blocked them
Similar to being blocked, if you block someone on Discord, then you no longer have access to view the profile information. This is because blocking the person removes the connection that you have with them, making you unable to access their private information. As we explained earlier, to view someone’s profile information on discord, you would need to either be friends with them or share a common server with them. However, when you block someone, you have overruled the friendship and the connection that you have from sharing a server. This means that you will no longer have access to view their private information.
Fix – Unblock them
If you have blocked someone on discord, you now know that you cannot see their profile information on the platform. When you try to view it, you will get the error message Unable to Open Profile Banner, Badges, and About Me. The only thing you can do to resolve this is to unblock the person. To unblock someone on Discord, follow the steps below:
- Open the conversations list on your discord application
- Click on the blocked tab on the right-hand side of the screen
- Click on the profile picture or username of the person that you want to unblock
- Click on the three vertical dots on the right-hand side of the screen and click on unblock
- Once you have unblocked them, click on their profile again, and you will see that you are now able to view all of their profile information, including banner, badges, and about me At this point, we would like to provide alternatives to blocking someone on discord. If, for example, you only want the person to not have access to your channel but retain the ability to view their profile information, you could simply ban them from your channel. You can also mute them so that you do not get notifications about their conversations and activities on discord during a given session.
Mute Someone On Discord
If a user is saying something in a discord session that you do not like, and you no longer wish to hear from them, you could mute the person so that you can no longer see or hear what they have to say on that server for that session. When you mute someone, you are simply making yourself unable to see or hear what they have to say. You are not blocking them, and you are able to see their Profile Banner, Badges, and About Me information. Muting someone is a less drastic course of action to take when you do not want to hear from someone rather than block them. To mute someone on Discord, follow the steps below:
- Right-click the person’s name in the user list on the left side of the Server
- Select Mute Another great thing about muting someone is that when you mute them, there is no notification whatsoever or indication that you have muted them in that session. The only way that they may find out that you muted them is if you are no longer responding to what they are saying. However, please note that muting someone using this method will only mute them for that particular session. When the session ends, and you begin another, they are no longer muted, and you would have to mute them again if you want to.
Kick them out
An alternative to blocking someone on discord is to kick them out of the chatroom. Kicking the person out does not mean that they have been banned permanently from the chat room or server. It simply means that they are kicked out of the chat room until they manually rejoin if you grant them access again. They will know that they have been kicked out of the chat room, and they are supposed to request permission from you to rejoin the chat room. This is a way to register dissatisfaction with a user’s conduct without outrightly blocking them. If you block them, you will no longer have access to their profile information, but if you kick them out of the chatroom, you will still be able to view their profile details as before. To kick someone out on Discord, follow the steps below:
- Right-click the person’s name in the user list on the left of the server
- Select Kick and enter a reason if you want to
Ban Them
The final method to dissociate from a user on discord without losing access to their profile information is to ban them from your server or channel. If you ban the person, they will no longer be able to rejoin your server or channel. However, you will still be able to view their complete profile information, including Banner, Badges, and About Me information. To ban someone on Discord follow the steps below:
- Right-click the person’s name in the user list on the left of the server
- Select Ban and enter a reason if you want to
There’s a bug
Have you confirmed that you have mutual server membership or are friends with the user? Have you also confirmed that you have not blocked them and they have not blocked you? Then the most likely reason why you get the error message Unable to Load Profile Banner, Badges, and About Me, is because a bug has occurred on the discord website. Sometimes, discord may experience a temporary downtime on its servers that may cause issues like you being unable to view another user’s profile that you are normally supposed to be able to view. When this happens, there is pretty much nothing you can do on your end because the issue has occurred on discord servers and not on your computer or phone. The only thing you can do is wait it out and see if the issue resolves itself.
Fix – Wait it out
One of the best indications that the issue is a result of a bug on discord servers is if you were previously able to view the user’s profile information but suddenly start getting the Unable to Load Profile Banner, Badges, and About Be error. Another indication that the problem is a result of a bug on discord servers is if you get this error when trying to view more than one person’s profile information. Once this happens, you’re pretty sure that a bug on discord servers is preventing you from viewing the profile details of users whose bio you should normally have access to. When this happens, all you can do is wait it out until the issue resolves on its own. It has happened to many users, and waiting it out resolved the problem for them.